Monday 4 July 2011

Festival beauty essentials

Hi everyone :)
Following my last post on what I've got planned for the summer, I thought it might be a fun idea to do a festival (or mini break) beauty essentials guide. Now, this may seem like a lot to some to take camping, and it may seem hardly anything to others. However this is what I believe, beauty wise, is essential when camping at a festival!
Also, bear in mind I usually go early-bird, which means I camp for 4/5 nights, not just 2/3!

P.s. Very sorry for the picture quality, taken on the Ipod touch and afraid I'm a bit of a technology dummie and haven't got the hang of Camera + yet. Any tips?

Anyway, here we go:

Before anyone asks, yes, I am able to fit all of this in my rucksack, with ease ;)

Top row

Johnson's baby wipes: Do I really need to explain these? Mine are a mini-pack bought from Tesco. However much I would love to squeeze a large pack into my rucksack, it's just not possible! These baby's can seriously be used for anything. Even washing, if there is no access to showers, or if you're too hungover to make it to the showers before they close for the day...
Batiste dry shampoo: Again, this miracle product speaks for itself. No, its not the most hygienic method of keeping your luscious locks clean but it sure is the easiest way. I bought the new XXL volume version to give my hair more oomph, and I have to say it definitely does what it says on the tin. Much better than most volumizing products I've tried!
Deodorant: Definitely a given. Unless you want to smell worse than you probably will. I've gone for my favourite, Mitchum 48 hour protection and it is honestly the best deodorant I've tried. I have no idea if it lasts 48 hours, but it definitely lasts 24, and that's good enough for me.
Body spray: You can get these gorgeous mini spray's from pretty much anywhere, I bought this impulse one for £1 from Tesco. Absolutely tiny, keeps you smelling like flowers and much more practical than a delicate perfume bottle.

Middle row

Shampoo and conditioner: Obviously only necessary if you plan to actually wash your hair, and this year I really do hope to, I cannot even describe the state of my hair at Leeds festival last year after not washing it for five days. Someone in the crowd threw something which can only be described as vile in the air and guess who it landed on, me. This year I intend to make full use of the showers, every morning! ;) Again, these gorgeous mini Aussie products were only £1 each from Tesco, and a rather generous size I might add (75 ml) so will definitely last the duration of the festival.
Johnson's baby oil: Now this may not be a necessity for some, but I honestly cannot imagine stepping out of the shower and slapping this glorious product all over my legs, especially to combat shaving rash. This cutsie little mini bottle again cost only £1, from Tesco. Do you see a pattern occurring here?
Body wash: Again, will only be of use if you have access to a shower. I think it would be silly to take large bottles, plus it seems doubtful there would actually be room for them, so I picked up these mini bottles (can you guess where from and how much?) by Radox and Original source. I'll probably only take one, though.
Toothpaste and Mouthwash: Definitely essential, especially when you wake up with a mouth as dry as an arab's sandal (love this). Also, who doesn't want to taste minty fresh?

Bottom row:

Compact mirror: Handy if you like to see yourself when you apply some make-up in the morning. Mine is a light-up mirror, pink and only £1 from Primark
Makeup brushes: Okay okay so not exactly vital but in my defence I'm only packing two.. not too bad! I've gone for the Real techniques multi-task brush (even though I'm only bringing one blusher) and the foundation brush from the same line. Oh, I should also mention that although I haven't included them I will also be taking mascara and foundation (hence the foundation brush) :).
Blusher: You gotta have at least one cheek product, right? I've gone for a gorgeous cream-to-powder blush from Topshop in 'head over heels'. It's a gorgeous peachy pink, not over the top and the compact also includes a mirror. Handy!
Eye crayon: To be honest I can't see myself faffing about with powder eyeshadows and more brushes, so I picked up an eye crayon from Topshop in 'Satchel'. It's a beautiful, shimmery cool brown and you simply just draw it on and smudge it a bit with your finger, easy peasy :)
Liquid eyeliner: If you're like me and can't live without a bit of winged liquid liner then it is definitely an essential, it just makes me feel a bit more 'done up' without too much effort. I usually opt for a gel liner, but didn't want to bring an extra brush and bring my fairly expensive Clinique one. Instead I picked up a L'oreal Super liner in 'black crystals', you don't really want to risk bringing expensive items to a festival because they can be so easily lost/damaged.
Lip balm: I suffer with insanely dry, chapped lips so this is always an essential for me, not just for a short break. I'm taking Lanolips lip ointment in 'apples' - because it soothes and adds a pop of colour. Love it :)

Lastly, (and something I forgot to photograph) is Sudocrem

Seriously, this can be used for anything! Dry skins, sun burn, bites, rashes you name it. Don't go anywhere without it (when travelling, that is!)

Well that's it for my 'festival beauty essentials', writing this gets me super-duper excited for T in the park on Thursday, can't wait to see some great bands and just chill after some seriously stressful exams. Whether or not your going to a music event this year I hope this was helpful in some way to help you pack for some other occasion.

See you later :)


  1. That deodorant is amazing! It will definitely be on my festival check list.

  2. I'm going away on a music course next week, and I'm going to have to use this as a first check-list. I have some of the mini-products from Tesco too, absolute life-saver! :)
