Wednesday 29 June 2011

Summer holidays....

Hi everyone
Well, it's official. My exams are over.... YEEEEEEHAAAAAAA!
I'm not sure how well they went exactly, but hopefully I will have obtained the grades I need to get into uni, hopefully.
Anyway, this is my very first blog post and I'm not gonna lie it feels a little strange, typing away to no-one (ha) but I shall see how it goes, anyway
FYI: This will be mainly a beauty blog, but I'd like to include other random little things I feel like posting about.
Such as...


Woo. What is everyone up to for theirs? Mine, in order, includes:

1) T in the park festival
In just over a week, me and one of my best friends will be travelling 4 hours up to bonnie Scotland to mosh with the scots (lame, I know..). I've only ever been to Leeds festival before (last year) and loved it, even though there were some problems, a.k.a. a friend's boyfriend troubles and some trips to the first aid tent. But, despite this it was amazing all the same which is why I'm highly positive about this year, how worse could it be right? I've never been to T in the park so hopefully it will measure up, I'm especially ecstatic to see BEYONCE, COLDPLAY, FOO FIGHTERS, and the ARCTIC MONKEYS (capitals for emphasis ;) ). However, Blondie and Tom Jones I am too very, very excited for!

2) An 18-30s holiday to Kavos, Corfu

Although I'm very excited for this, i'm also a bit wary. It is my first 18-30s holiday, seeing as I turned 18 last November, so I'm slightly nervous as to whether I may come back alive after the massive consumption of alcohol that will be taking place. I'm going with my two best girls though, so it is almost guaranteed to be amazing. However, there are a few slight problems;
Firstly, the reviews of our hotel are not good. We picked what is known to be the 'main' hotel of Kavos, where it all happens. But the reviews have revealed some horrifying things.. such as that the door doesn't lock properly (hello theifs?) and the main one in particular which is worrying.. the toilet brings up everything that is flushed and spills all over the bathroom floor! Not to be high maintenance, which I'm not, but... eww?
Luckily one of my friends is a very determined and intimidating person, so i'm sure her complaints will get us a normal room with a functioning toilet if there seems to be any problems with us.

The second problem is the beach. Many people have told us the beach is not very nice, and considering it is where we will be laying our hungover buts for 99 % of the day time we are there this is very disappointing. In my head I pictured a beach as rather like this one:

However, it seems the reality will be something along the lines of this:

Okay okay. So that may be a slight exaggeration. Plus that beach isn't even in Kavos. But with all the bad word of mouth my little mind couldn't resist. Anyway, what am I complaining for, I shall be in a hot place with a cocktail in hand - what more could I ask for?

3) Leeds festival
As mentioned before, I've actually already been, and due to some awful experiences this year could only be better. If you haven't been to a festival before I strongly urge you to go, it is an awesome chillaxed atmosphere with your favourite bands and some good friends. I didn't drink a drop of alcohol last year either, so don't assume it will only be full of drunken idiots. I will be going at the end of August just before uni (If I get in) so it will be the perfect end to the summer and a great way to spend time with my best friends before we part our separate ways. I also reccomend you purchase a decent tent (not too expensive though, as most end up abandoning it there). Last year my friend took a cheap pop up tent which ended up not being the most stable:

Our one this year cost £50 from Halfords, four man with a porch which we will be using for both festivals. Also, make sure it is waterproof!

So, thats the biggest of my plans for Summer 2011. Apart from this I will be working at the part-time job, which I dislike muchly but is the only way to fund the fun things I want to do. I also plan to do lots and lots of reading, I purchased a kindle last week and can't wait to burry myself into some great novels which I haven't had a chance to do because of exams. My amazon wish list just keeps growing! I'm also planning to learn some belly dancing off a self-taught DVD since there are no lessons in my area, and already have my eye on one so that should be fun. Other things include the norm, picnics, the movies (anyone else ridiculously excited for the final Harry Potter?) and generally hanging out with friends.

So, what are you up to for Summer?

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog background! Great writing too :)
